The statistics are sobering. The state of Nebraska is facing a “catastrophic” nursing crisis that will only accelerate in the coming years. Burnout, pay/benefits, and the current healthcare climate are just a few of the reasons that nurses are leaving the profession.
That’s the message from Dr. Ann Oertwich of the Nebraska Center for Nursing, who discussed “Why Nurses Leave the Profession and the American Rescue Plan Act” at the recent Nebraska Association for Healthcare Quality, Risk and Safety (NAHQRS) meeting in Lincoln.
Laura Lea Fosenbarger, EG Integrated account executive, also attended the meeting to connect with local healthcare professionals. She heard Dr. Oertwich’s message loud and clear: communities, government, and healthcare organizations must work harder—and smarter—to retain staff to meet the country’s healthcare needs.
That’s why it’s important to think outside of the box when formulating a staff recruitment strategy.
If you’re only relying on traditional marketing efforts to get your message out, you may as well be putting a message (and your money) in a bottle and throwing it out to sea.
In fact, 86% of job seekers use social media to view, search for, and apply to jobs or engage with recruiters. Going beyond traditional recruitment strategies is imperative to broaden your reach and find qualified candidates. The best way to make sure they are receiving news that your organization is hiring is by placing highly targeted digital ads. Digital media is more effective and less costly and allows you to reach your audience on the devices where they spend the most time.
Fill out the form below to download EG Integrated’s healthcare e-book to learn how to maximize your staff recruitment efforts with effective marketing!
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